Target's digital camera gift card Now for something different: Target offers a gift "card" that can be loaded from $50 to $1000 and is also a digital camera. How's that for a novelty? It's not much of a camera (1.2mp, no features), but you do get 40 prints for free, and it's definitely a conversation piece. [Check the Target Digital Camera GiftCard] -- Posted Tuesday, November 11, 2008 by chb
Digital camera with integrated color printer! Japanese Takara Tomy is showing the XIAO TIP-521, a 5-megapixel camera with an integrated color printer. That ability once was a huge hit with Polaroid cameras. Problem is that we want tiny cameras and large prints, whereas the XIAO measures about 6.0 x 3.05 x 1.0 inches and the 256-color prints are just 3x2. -- Posted Monday, November 10, 2008 by chb